Saturday, April 4, 2015

Non Addictive Sleep Aids

Many of the prescription medication to help us sleep can be very addictive and to a point where we start to depend on them every night or we cannot sleep. So right from the get go you should be consider some of the non addictive sleep aids as these are often time more safe and some brands can be even more effective than those sleeping pills prescribed by your doctor.

First let's take a look at the prescription sleeping pills to see which ones are really non addictive sleep aids and what side effects you may have.

Types of prescribed sleeping tablets that are addictive

Prescription sleeping pills may help you drop off to sleep simpler or stay asleep longer or both. The dangers and benefits of different prescription sleeping tablets can differ. To find the right prescription medication to help you sleep, your physician should be able to offer you some suggestions.

Often times to ensure they are giving you the right sleeping pills they will order tests to eliminate any hidden conditions that may be triggering your problem sleeping and this can be time consuming meaning it could take weeks. The positive side is that once done they can better prescribe the right sleeping medication, including when the best time would be to take them and in what type, such as pills, oral spray or liquid tablets.

Many times your doctor may recommend a sleeping tablet for a restricted time period to figure out the any side effects for you may have or if they are too addictive.

Here is a list of the know sleeping pills that doctors tend to prescribe that are know to have some side effects and that can be addictive.

Doxepin (Silenor), Zolpidem extended release (Ambien CR), Estazolam, Eszopiclone (Lunesta), Ramelteon (Rozerem), Temazepam (Restoril), Triazolam (Halcion), Zaleplon (Sonata), Zolpidem (Ambien, Edluar, Intermezzo, Zolpimist), Zolpidem extended release (Ambien CR).  

Addictive sleep aids

Now here is a list of all the known side effects prescription sleeping pills

I know by now that this goes without saying but you should always speak to your doctor about potential side effects before selecting just any type of sleeping pills. Depending on the type of prescription sleeping pills that are out there here is a list of known side effects you should be made aware of,  such as:
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Headache
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea and nausea
  • Prolonged drowsiness, more so with drugs that help you stay asleep
  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Sleep behaviors, such as sleep-driving and sleep-eating
  • Daytime memory and performance problems

A list of Non Addictive Sleep Aids

The main reason many people choose to go with natural non addictive sleep aids is to avoid the side effects so the only way to achieve this is with a herbal based remedy for treatment, although there are many different views on just how effective they really can be. Some home remedies for sleep such as lemon balm or chamomile tea are basically harmless, while some of the other types that involve alcohol can have more serious side effects and in most cases interfere with doctor prescribed medications. For example products like St. John’s Wort, can really limit the effectiveness of many prescribed medications such as blood thinners, birth control pills, and some anticancer medications.

So even though your thinking about a herbal remedy as a natural non addictive sleep aid there could still be issues.

Are Herbal Sleep Aids Non Addictive?

There are several natural herbs to help sleep at night, including chamomile, valerian root, kava kava, lemon balm, passionflower, lavender, and St. John’s Wort and every one of these are not known to be addictive no more that drinking herbal tea each would be. In fact there are lots of people who drink chamomile tea for its gentle sedative properties just on its own without adding anything else. Also there's data showing valerian can be a big help treating insomnia but at higher dosages it can cause vivid dreams, blurred vision even changes in heart rhythm, and excitability. You'll want to keep the dosage down to a more stable level if your considering valerian. The good new is these are not know to be addictive at all.

What About the Popular Melatonin Sleep Aids

Melatonin has become a very be name in the world of non addictive sleep aids because it's already a naturally occurring hormone that tells our body to go to sleep, so how can you go wrong with an option like this? It is the hormone that is triggered by darkness and its levels remain elevated throughout the night until suppressed by the light of morning. You will find this ingredient in many different natural non addictive sleep aids such as Alteril.

Tryptophan and L-tryptophan are Great Addictive Sleep Aids

Tryptophan is a basic amino acid used in the formation of the chemical messenger serotonin, another natural hormone that's produced in the brain and follows the same path as Melatonin. Serotonin is the happy hormone that relieves stress in the body and relaxes us which can also help tell your body it's bed time.

L-tryptophan is another important byproduct of tryptophan, which the body can change into serotonin also. Some studies have shown that L-tryptophan can help people fall asleep faster a get a better, more solid sleep.

Alteril is The Best Non Addictive Sleep Aid

All of the ingredients listed above, L-Tryptophan, Melatonin, Valerian, and also L-Theanine are all natural non addictive sleep aids and these ingredients are all part of the Alteril  ingredients list.

The alteril system isn't just pills in fact it contains 3 parts that all work together to help you end your battle with sleep.

What is Included in the Alteril 3 Part System

First of all there are the effective combination of non addictive ingredients found in the nighttime capsules that include popular, proven effective natural sleep-inducing herbals (L-Tryptophan, Melatonin, Valerian, and Theanine).

Next is the deep sleep tea, that has a special blend of additional herbs that contain proven sedatative properties.

Thirdly there is the binaural beats CD which helps to entrance our brain into a meditative state using low frequency, alternating beats.

As far as non addictive sleep aids go Alteril is one of the best options on the market so it's worth giving it a try.

Alteril Natural Sleep Aids

Nowadays, increasingly more people in Canada are shopping for a natural sleep aid that can be bought as a over-the-counter sleep aid solution that's non-addictive, reliable, works quickly and is 100 % natural type of sleeping pills. After searching around fairly a bit, I discovered this product called Alteril. I had never heard of this before and was wondering if it really does work?

About Alteril Natural Sleep Aids

There are scientific studies mentioned about some of the Alteril ingredients like the Melatonin which trigger sleep in the brain and amino acids like L-tryptophan that stimulate the production of our happy hormone call serotonin which helps to relieve stress. Less stress in the body means we are more relaxed and can fall asleep easier.

One of the first things I have say is that it is NOT 100% natural because the ingredient melatonin can be produced in the body, yes but there are no natural sources for it so when it comes in a sleeping pill like Alteril it has to be synthetically made in a lab. Ok... so this not such a bad thing because many of the medication that some of us take everyday like pain killers and many types sedatives are made synthetically.

Unlike many of the other sleep sleep aids I researched contained just melatonin, an although it does trigger our body's to go to sleep at night what can really help us stay asleep? because I know that sometimes I can fall asleep quickly but I'm awake 1 or 2 hours later.

What I Like about Alteril

I was reading that Alteril is considered to be a so called "1-2-3 Easy Sleep System" and makes me wonder where people come up with these types of marketing mumbo jumbo. I agree that it is a lot more than simply just a sleep aid because some of the ingredients have different functions beside just focusing on sleep. There are 3 parts to the Alteril system besides just supplements.

There are 3 parts to the Alteril system

A 3 Part System

When it is time for bed there is a nighttime supplement that you need to take of course but there is also a deep sleep tea that has a special blend of natural herbs that are high in sedatative properties. Also included is a CD that plays binaural tones that induce a sate of meditation using low frequency, with alternating binaural beats.

Simply take the capsule, settle back with a cup of the tea, and listen to the CD... Ideally in bed! Because as you'll see, this 1-2-3 combination induces sleep quickly, making it easy for you to drift off.

How Does Alteril Work as a Natural Sleep Aid?

This sleep system consist of a 3-step regimen that contains ingredients that are shown to induce and improve your sleep. The four primary ingredients I mentioned earlier are L-Tryptophan, Melatonin, Valerian, and L-Theanine.

Basically the way Alteril works is by regulating your 24 hour body's sleep cycle called "circadian" which increases the "relaxation" brain waves helping us drift off to sleep easier. There are customer reviews from these people who have tried Alteril that did in fact get a full nights sleep for a change and they did wake feeling more rested and restored like this system said they would. This sounds like the perfect sleep aid for me although I know that many times when you read reviews they are a bit bias.

The only way real way to know for sure is to try it out for yourself.

Melatonin for Sleep Aid

What is Melatonin Explained!

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland and sends out a signal to regulate the sleep-wake cycle in the sleep center of the brain. Remarkably, melatonin can be found in the retina, the skin, and the GI system, but this is not the same melatonin that controls your biological sleep clock.

The melatonin that;s produced from our brain is a hormone. It tells your body that it's nighttime and it's time to go to bed. It is not an herb, a vitamin, or a mineral. Hormones are naturally produced by your body as you require them. Meanings it is extremely not likely that somebody has a melatonin deficiency. While a melatonin supplement could be thought of as all natural, most of the times, it does not originate from the earth and it's only produced in the brain which means the supplements used as melatonin sleep aids have to made in a lab.

There aren't any natural foods sources which contain melatonin because its naturally producing hormone in the human brain. Your melatonin levels can be tested with a blood test, urine test or saliva test. If you are worried that you may in fact be low in your natural melatonin levels, ask your physician about a screening.

Why Choose Melatonin for a Sleep Aid?

Melatonin for a Sleep
Most people take a melatonin sleep aid supplement to help them sleep and although it has helped people do just that, it's very crucial that you understand that melatonin pills are a sleep and body clock regulator and cannot initiate sleep on it's own. Melatonin works with your body clock by informing your brain when it is time to sleep. Melatonin does not increase your sleep drive or need for sleep.

Melatonin is called the "Vampire Hormone" because it is produced primarily in the evenings. The levels of your melatonin boost in the middle of the night and gradually fall as the night counts on into the early morning, so exposure to light prior to bed can press your biological clock off into the wrong direction making the melatonin inefficient so this is where melatonin for a sleep aid does it's magic.

Circadian Rhythm Conditions can be treated effectively by melatonin pills so that your sleeping time is the right amount of minutes and your body clock is at the correct time instead of the other way around, Things like shift work sleep disorders, jet lag or early morning awakenings are all things that deal with the timing of your need to sleep. Melatonin is a reliable treatment for sleeping disorders but not for insomnia.

When shopping online you best bet is to buy a sleeping aid such as Alteril over the counter sleeping pills because it contains many new key ingredients to knock you out so that you can actually sleep at night. It contains melatonin and key amino acids that work fast so that you can rest slow and peaceful.

Proper Melatonin Dosage

Taking the right dosage of melatonin can be a problem for many people because of the amount of mis information there is online these days. According to research study conducted at MIT, the appropriate dosage of melatonin for it to be effective is 0.3 - 1.0 mg. Numerous commercially readily available forms of melatonin are in 3 to 10 times the quantity your body would need for it to work properly.

There is some evidence that higher dosages may be less efficient. In Europe, melatonin at really high doses has actually been used as a contraceptive.

Melatonin in pill kind does not operate like your body's naturally produced melatonin: It influences the brain in bursts and rapidly leaves the system, instead of the slow build-up and slow wash-out that your body's naturally produced melatonin experiences.

Buy Alteril Over the Counter Sleeping Pills in Canada

What Is Alteril

With a New Formula!

Alteril is the very best selling natural over the counter sleeping pills in the USA and now we can buy them here in Canada from the official website below.

Alteril in Canada

This powerful formula contains melatonin for sleep and was developed after 25 years of research and development and is medically proven to help provide those with a natural remedies for insomnia. As an excellent natural sleep aid it will not cause the drowsiness and prospective unpleasant side effects associated with prescribed based sleeping tablets.

Alteril is entirely natural, unlike prescription sleeping drugs that can trigger drowsiness, together with other potential side effects that can consist of;
  • Loss of Motor Function
  • Dry Mouth
  • Dependancy
  • Withdrawal Symptoms
  • Risk Of Overdose
Alteril consists of a mix of natures most effective sleeping aids all in one sleep medication but without any side effects listed above.

See This Alteril Review

>> The Bonus Link - Click HERE <<

The New Alteril Ingredient List

The new Alteril over the counter sleeping pills have four 100% all-natural ingredients: Valerian rootMelatonin hormone, plus 2 amino acids, namely L-Tryptophan and L-Theanine.

L-THEANINE is a non-essential amino acid that is found in the brain. A “non-essential” amino acid is one that the body, in this case the brain, produces. However, if you want more of it, you can take it as a supplement. L-Theanine is found in the tea plant, carmellia sinesis, and green tea is supposed to have the greatest amount of this amino acid. The production of alpha brain waves, which is a result from taking L-Theanine, creates a sense of deep relaxation almost equal to how you feel when meditating. This amino acid is said to reduce stress which is one of the culprits causing sleeplessness.
L-TRYPTOPHAN, on the other hand, is an “essential” amino acid and cannot be produced by the body. You can usually get this essential amino acid from meat and dairy products. Turkey is best known for containing tryptophan which explains why you feel sleepy after having it. Cereal grains and legumes (these are plants where the seeds grow inside pods) like peas, lentils, beans, edamame and the like, can also supply the body with L-Tryptophan. Serotonin is a hormone produced by L-Tryptophan and it tells your brain you want to sleep.

VALERIAN (valeriana officinalis) is a perennial plant that is indigenous to Asia and Europe, and introduced to North America. Marketed supplements come from roots, and sometimes from stems. It has a unique smell that some might find disagreeable. Valerian has been used for medicinal purposes from the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Valerian was prescribed as relief for insomnia as early as the 2nd century by Galen of Pergamon, who was a prominent Roman physician and surgeon. 

MELATONIN is a hormone created in the brain, specifically by the pineal gland, which is an organ that is sensitive to light. It is known to regulate the circadian rhythm in your body. It is a sleep aid in that it tells your body when it’s time to sleep (when it’s dark) and when to wake up (when it’s light). 

In the older but still effective formula these four 100% natural ingredients would be more than enough to drift you off to sleep and it has worked for many Canadians

New Addition Alteril Ingredients

Ther are four more natural ingredients that were just recently added to the formula to ensure that the Alteril over the counter sleeping pills help even more people with even more cause for sleepless nights.

CHAMOMILE, a plant that is part of the daisy family, comes with many benefits. Often prescribed as a sleep remedy, chamomile tea relaxes the nerves and induces sleep due to glycine, which is an amino acid contained in chamomile.

LEMON BALM is part of the mint family and has been used since the 16th century. When combined with valerian, it has been found to reduce tension and stress.

HOPS are flower clusters from a hops species called humulus lupulus. Hops have been used to treat a number of health issues, from headaches to intestinal cramps. It contains a natural sedative called “2 -methyl-3-butene-2-ol” and is even more powerful when combined with the other herbs in the Alteril sleep aid capsule formulation.

PASSION FLOWER or passiflora are flowering plants comprised of about 500 species. It is thought to increase levels of GABA which is a neurotransmitter called gamma amino butyric acid. This neurotransmitter is known to lower brain cells activity thus reducing anxiety and promoting calm. ).

The Aleril formula is 100 % natural and safe, assisting users to wander into deep restful sleep that permit them to wake feeling alert and revitalized with no drowsiness or side effects.

Alteril is readily available to buy in Canada directly from the manufacturers website above. So what are the benefits of buying Alteril in Canada?

Alteril in Canada

  • No Tax
  • No Duty
  • Fast Shipping
  • Discrete Shipping
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Proven Formula

What is the Alteril Price?

Alteril price begins at $49.99 for a months supply with some bigger plans offered at reduced costs.

For a limited time, buyers get the total Alteril 3 step sleep kit-- in addition to their selected quantity of Alteril, they will likewise get a complimentary supply of Serene Soothing Tea and a Lucid Dreaming CD that both work along with Alteril to maximize your results.

Is Alteril Clinically Proven.

The active ingredients in Alteril have actually all been separately tested and evaluated and have been discovered to be safe and extremely efficient.

It time that you can actually say that you slept well for change and that you actually feel more refreshed and only Alteril over the counter sleeping pills can help you achieve this..

Shipping is discreet and quick; all orders are safeguarded by a 60 day money back assurance, that guarantees purchasers of a complete refund if they are disappointed with the results. If your not getting a better well rested sleep then tell us and we will refund 100% of your purchase price.